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Asset 30

inquisitive investigation⌣amorphous & experimental expression⌣forever flawed & ongoing discovery

Symbioceno (2024) is a speculative fable and installation that explores the concept of neofossils within a new geological era. In it, the Earth has become a testament to the synergic and mutualistic adaptability of nature. The installation is made from recycled, organic materials combined with electronic and industrial components and blends programmed technology with generative biofeedback. 

Watch teaser

(Exhibition) BAU, Pujades 128, Sant Martí
(Featured by) Arduino

(Collaboration alongside) Ander Vallejo Larre (When Plants Sing), Andrea Galano Toro & Pierantonio Mangia
(Insitution) BAU College of Arts and Design of Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

The ritual Carne & Memoria (2024) unites the liminal spaces between the earth’s flesh—its mud—and its memory —the ice and glaciers— as preserving yet transformative agents. The work delves into the unseen, intricate roads and relationships that connect opposing points of land, including the geographical extremes of Argentina's north and south. Through sculptures, it also introduces time as an active agent of decay and transformation, posing questions about how the earth remembers, preserves itself, and which memories are held within its layers. It explores how land and water shape and are shaped by each other and by us, while also introducing the blank space as a place for sitting and reflection.

(Exhibition) TEOREMA Festival, La Pau

Barcelona, Spain

Planta Kinetica (2024) explores the connection between digital organisms and organic matter through irrigation. The project originates from the question: How can we link a digital organism with organic matter? And what if, for its movement, this organism depended not only on electricity and cables but also on water, just like a plant? 

(Exhibition) Estados Correlacionados, NewToArts, DUNEPARK, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos, ARG
(Exhibition) BAU, Pujades 128, Sant Martí, Barcelona, SP

(Collaboration alongside)
Ander Vallejo Larre (When Plants Sing) & Andrea Galano Toro
(Insitution) BAU College of Arts and Design of Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

♾️ Investigation N1 Varied biomaterial testing, fungal development and experimentation, paired with northern Argentinian andine morphology ceramics and study
of red clay from northern Salta, ARG. 

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Barcelona, Spain

✵✵✵ Ongoing investigation ✵✵✵

Muchos autorretratos (2024) is an evocative video and series of images where a camera travels through a self-portrait labyrnth. This artwork introduces a glitched phygicality where the self is embodying both the tangible and the virtual. The pieces explore the chaotic and often disorienting experience of a split and coexistance with our own digital selves.

(Featured in) NOIA Magazine Issue 04 - "Absurd Rituals"

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARG

♾️ Investigation N2 Ice, bioplexiglass testing and experimentation with canarian volcanic clay.

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Barcelona, Spain

✵✵✵ Ongoing investigation ✵✵✵

Crafted visuals for a three-part live set by the Argentinian pop-electronic band La Femme D'Argent featuring Mia Zeta (2024). The focus was on developing visuals that enhanced the intimate and profound nature of the music, creating an immersive experience that deeply connected the online audience with the vibrant essence of the songs. The interplay of light and color was carefully orchestrated to evoke a dynamic atmosphere that complemented the pop-electronic sound.

Watch set (1)
Watch set (2)
Watch set (3)

(Venue) ARTLAB Pro

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARG

Full credits

Como bailan los demas EP (2023) is series of projections created for Delfina Campos' remix EP, focusing on the remix as a glitch within the monovalent music industry. It explores meta-art and the hyperconnected nature of digital experiences, examining how music, once purely auditory, is now shaped by screens and external entities. The project emphasizes how remix culture disrupts, decolonizes and reimagines original art, while also bringing the behind-the-scenes processes to the forefront, blurring their boundaries.

Barcelona, Spain
BAU, Granada

The erotic collection Sexual Mente (2019) consists of 15 books that are in contact, either closely or distantly, with sexual fantasies where the characters, whether primary or secondary, have erotic experiences with high imaginative content. Each book has a distinct material uniqueness over the rest and a contrast between the understated external presentation and the editorial design inside reflects the dual nature of imaginative sexuality.

See full case

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARG

pisopared® (2023) is a process-oriented and experimental architecture studio. Imperfection is the new perfect. pisopared’s artistic expression is the ongoing process of construction. pisopared is architecture in its purest state. The studio’s approach is based on honoring unconventional details, the corroded, broken, beautiful, textures of construction materials. From the foundation to the end, pisopared believes errors are opportunities for a creative reinterpretation of spaces. With each cut and scar, the work regenerates differently, revealing its nature and presenting itself as it is: flawlessly flawed.

See full case

(Owned by) Pilar Maccari

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Crafted visuals for a live show by the Argentinian pop-electronic band La Femme D'Argent (2023).

(Venue) ARTLAB Pro

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARG

A set of live visuals was developed for Joti Harriague's (2023) fashion show. The visuals mirror the collection's materials, featuring an interplay of abstract shapes with iridescent colors and metallic sheens that shift and morph like liquid metal under light. These visuals were designed to immerse the audience in the collection's concept, creating a seamless connection between the physical runway and the virtual display.

(Collaborated alongside) Patronaria
(Venue) ARTLAB Pro

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARG

DALE (2018) is a magazine that delves into the intricate tapestry of modern culture, daring to explore the enigmatic gray areas that often elude definition. In a world increasingly defined by polarities and absolutes, DALE fearlessly traverses the boundaries, pushing the limits of perception and understanding. DALE explores the boundaries of identity, the blurred lines of social norms, and the intricate dance between tradition and progress. DALE celebrates the beauty of ambiguity, honor the power of the undefined, and recognizes that it is often within the gray areas that profound revelations and transformative ideas are born.

See full case

(Featured in) Behance, editorial
(Featured in) Behance, inDesign

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ARG

⚯ website under construction ⚯

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